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Case Results / Comments
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Statewide Alabama Drug Crime Defense Case Results and Client Comments

To Kreps Law Firm, LLC:

I’ve been trying for several weeks to try to put into words the level of gratitude I have for being led to your firm, and the results you achieved on my behalf. This experience has dramatically changed me and my life; justice would have me a felon, God’s grace and your efforts have me free. Warm regards.

To Kreps Law Firm, LLC

Thank you very much for all your help in getting my DUI dismissed. Your firm seemed to really care about my case.

Charge(s): Unlawful Possession of Marijuana 2nd Degree
Facts: Client approached a road block and turned around to avoid the road block and was pulled over. Client had several prior DUI arrests.
Result: Alabama Unlawful Possession of Marijuana 2nd Degree
DISMISSED per agreement between prosecutor and Alabama Drug Crime Defense Attorney Joseph Kreps.

Charge(s): Unlawful Possession of Marijuana 2nd Degree
Facts: Alabama Drug Crime Client and some friends were attending a Widespread Panic concert. The subject driving the car swerved and was pulled over and arrested for DUI. Upon a search of the vehicle, the officers located a bag belonging to our client that contained marijuana. Client had several prior arrests.
Result: Alabama Unlawful Possession of Marijuana 2nd Degree
REDUCED to drug paraphernalia per agreement between prosecutor and Alabama Drug Crime Defense Attorney Joseph Kreps. Client suffered no conviction for marijuana and did not lose his right to drive in Alabama.

Charge(s): Unlawful Possession of Marijuana 2nd Degree; Possession of Drug Paraphernalia.
Facts: Client was traveling on I-20 East and was stopped for speeding (83 mph/70 mph). Client was in the process of moving from California to Pennsylvania. Officer asked client if he would find anything in the car if he searched the car. Client admitted there was a small bag of marijuana and a marijuana pipe in a back pack in the front seat. The officer called for a second officer to assist in searching the car. The officer asked if there was any additional marijuana in the car and the client admitted to more marijuana in the trunk. Client was arrested and charged with Alabama Possession of Marijuana 2nd Degree and Possession of Drug Paraphernalia.
Result: Unlawful Possession of Marijuana 2nd Degree
DISMISSED per agreement between prosecutor and Alabama Drug Crime Defense Attorney Joseph Kreps. No suspension of client’s right to drive due to plea to paraphernalia only. Client did not attend any court appearances.

Charge(s): Felony Unlawful Possession of Controlled Substance
Facts: Both clients (family members) purchased Oxycontin from an Alabama undercover police narcotics detective.
Result: Alabama Unlawful Possession of Controlled Substance Charges DISMISSED per agreement between prosecutor and Alabama Drug Crime Defense Attorney Joseph Kreps.


Aggressive and Effective Alabama Marijuana Law Violations Defense Representation

Kreps Law Firm, LLC Marijuana Charge Defense attorneys handle marijuana and other drug charges pending in every Municipality and County within the State of Alabama. We have handled hundreds of Alabama drug charges, DUI, speeding tickets, and other criminal charges. Call us TODAY (866) 348-2889 and let our experience go to work for you. We are Lawyers that help Alabama Marijuana Laws clients in Montgomery, Alabama including the municipal courts in the cities and communities of Boylston, Hope Hull, Hunter, and Montgomery as well as Montgomery County District Court and Montgomery County Circuit Court.




Montgomery, Alabama 
Marijuana Charge Attorneys
(866) 348-2889